Product Tour: One View Reporting Accelerator

One View Reporting Accelerator

23 Jan Product Tour: One View Reporting Accelerator

Manufacturing KPIS in Intuitive Dashboards That Accelerate Reporting

One View is a new dashboarding experience that provides real-time insights into your supply chain performance. With One View, you can access relevant KPIs, drill down into the causes and effects of your metrics, and leverage your existing BI systems with innovative real-time capabilities.

Connected apps and connected metrics: One View groups metrics into themes of mini apps that allow you to explore the relationships and behaviors within your supply chain model, context, or scenario.

Less-is-more: One View’s sophisticated Shallow-dive analytics offers you a quick understanding of where your business is right now, without overwhelming you with information overload.

Cross-platform framework: One View works on any device and platform, enabling you to engage your employees in supply chain improvement programs and collaborate with your stakeholders.

Click to learn more about One View