Sage Clarity Solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry

World-Class Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence

Real-Time Analytics Solutions for Oil & Gas production, processing and refining.

The oil and gas production, processing and refining industry is notoriously volatile, encouraging facilities to focus on safely increasing output, while keeping environmental footprints in mind as well. The digital era has now given the oil & gas industry the ability to reach new levels of connectivity and efficiency.

For oil and gas production, this means longer lasting wells and efficient, effective operation. In terms of refining and petroleum, not only has reliability and efficiency seen improvement, the industry has also gained flexibility to stay competitive and process a variety of crude oils. Being able to switch from gasoline to diesel with ease can have a positive effect on your bottom line.

With Sage Clarity Oil & Gas solutions, we can supplement and support these improvements through connectivity and information management custom suited for the industry. Our rich analytics capabilities allow for informed decision making that improve plant operations. Real-time analytics show you true operating conditions, including drill down capabilities to uncover problem areas, allow collaboration and provide an opportunity to establish best practices across your facilities.

Sage Clarity technology allows oil and gas producers, processors and refiners to take a holistic approach that enables your staff to stay one step ahead of the game.

Our Solutions for Oil & Gas Production

The Future of Manufacturing Technology

Understanding the importance and value of big data in manufacturing.

Insights from Oil & Gas Experts

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Overcome the Great Barriers to a Data-Driven Supply Chain

Because Mattel is an exceedingly seasonal business, as many as 80 percent of its products are modified annually. “We can’t just hope it all works out; we need a data-driven mentality that allows us to make better decisions and drive the right kind of improvement,” Gibbons says.

Shallow-dive analytics is a new approach to managing the enormity of big data and the resulting information overload via a one-click, quick review of only the information that is most pertinent to business objectives. By focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs), proponents believe that the shallow-dive concept can enhance supply chain performance through better and less-time-consuming data management.

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Manufacturing Intelligence: Using Analytics to Achieve Operational Excellence

Pharmaceutical manufacturers are under tremendous pressure to increase product volume in their own plants and improve margins. They must often achieve this higher volume with optimized resources — a challenging task without the help of real-time discovery analytics for operational excellence. They usually find that simple OEE tools are not adequate to drive improvement, and leading manufacturers, especially pharmaceutical companies, look to solutions that deliver facts, pervasive visibility, and maximum knowledge transfer, along with real data, actual root cause analytics, and a deep understanding of problems.

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Contact us to learn how our award winning  solutions can upgrade your Oil & Gas facilities.