Accelerate Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence

Manufacturing-Intelligence Lego

Manufacturing Intelligence Software

Gain real and actionable insight into manufacturing improvement opportunities for your business – within the individual plant or across the entire enterprise.

  • Aggregation and propagation to/from any system
  • Contextualization for ease-of-insight
  • Analysis and Visualization using real-time information and intuitive dashboards
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OEE Analytics • Production & Performance tracking • Enterprise  visibility  • Multi-level data mining

Manufacturing Intelligence

Gain insight into your manufacturing operations across your supply chain within the the plant or across the entire enterprise with solutions such as Informance EMI.

Monitor your production facilities in real-time through customizable dashboards holding KPIs unique to your business.  Informance EMI software can be deployed both on-premise and in the cloud to suit your enterprises need.

Production Reporting

Real-time Manufacturing Analytics

Deep insight into your production capabilities

  • Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence
  • Real-time measurements, analysis and insight into plant and multi-plant performance.
  • KPI Reports by Machine, line, plant.
  • Alerts on out-of-spec KPIs.

Downtime Reporting

Understanding the issues affecting capacity

  • Analyze downtime reasons and duration
  • Downtime reports by Shift, by Day, by week or your time horizon
  • Out of the box real-time analytics.

Financial Loss Analysis

Associate cost standards to manufacturing performance data to calculate true cost of production runs.  Assess  ROI of improvement initiatives with real-time performance tracking.

  • Financial analysis of losses.
  • Cost of downtime Analysis.
  • Cost analysis by product, shift, line, etc.

Production Order Tracking

Track orders by Production order numbers, SKU, etc.

Trends associated with Production order details such as SKU, Brand, customer, etc.


Integrating and displaying knowledge to your workers

The Immersive Data Accelerator

  • In Real-time
  • Using KPI Displays
  • with intuitive graphics

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Enterprise Reporting

Manufacturing KPIs in our One View Dashboard

For executives, middle management and knowledge workers

  • Enterprise Roll up across all-sites or by organizational structure
  • Drill down by location, division, plant or line
  • YTD, MTD, WTD reporting.
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oneview OEE dashboard

Learn how our Accelerator apps can super charge EMI deployments.

Contact us to take the first step towards Manufacturing Intelligence enlightenment.

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