Food Engineering Benchmark Study

08 Jun Food Engineering Benchmark Study

Food Engineering March cover

Food Engineering Benchmark Study: March Issue

Breakthrough Manufacturing Benchmarking in the Era of Big Data

Operational performance benchmarks take numerous flavors. Some studies build a set of relevant questions and have respondents answer based on how they think their plant is performing. These can be valuable since there is breadth of information to be collected and analyzed. A new study from Food Engineering includes Sage Clarity (an Epicor/Informance solution provider), entitled Manufacturing Performance Benchmark Study for Fast Moving Consumer Goods, reveals real-world collected data over a period of 90 days from over 100 global manufacturing operations from Global 2000 companies.

Sage Clarity, working with Epicor,/Informance and their customers who agreed to participate in the blind study, collected actual manufacturing data over a 90-day period to analyze numerous KPIs—real values that show how best-in-class (BIC) manufacturers are performing compared to average performers and the laggards. “It’s far more accurate and representative than what’s out there,” says John Oskin, Sage Clarity CEO. “When manufacturing leaders estimate their OEE numbers, reality often surprises them.”
“This study provides empirical evidence supporting what we have heard from our Informance EMI customers for years. Companies that run the most productive manufacturing operations have learned how to use technology to accurately identify and minimize downtime both big and small.” Commented Paul Ellis, Vice President, Sales
Epicor Solutions Group. In terms of ranking for this study, BIC manufacturers rank in the top 25 percent of performance levels or OEE. Average companies rank in the middle 50 percent, and laggards rank in the bottom 25 percent. The study found that BIC and average organizations exhibit an OEE of twice that over laggards.

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