ABLE 4.2: Factory View Historian

19 Jan ABLE 4.2: Factory View Historian

Factory View Historian is new to ABLE 4.2! This feature is designed to provide time-series trending to help companies facilitate root cause analysis for both processing and packaging operations. It marries analog data with different ABLE views for a comprehensive look at production and processing that helps producers maximize their value streams.

Factory View Historian is the next major leap in ABLE functionality, designed to deliver actionable insight into manufacturing improvement opportunities for complex production lines. It can improve real-time root cause analysis for manufacturing operations as part of the Sage Clarity MES ecosystem.

able 4.2

For Packaging Operations:

ABLE 4.2 can plot line speed info and ramp up/down data against production state model data to correlate downtime to centerline data.

For Processing Operations:

When used for recipe analysis, Factory View Historian can marry recipe state data with pressure, temperature, and a wide array of other variables and information, to correlate process steps with related parameter data.

Total Value Stream:

Factory View Historian is instrumental in maximizing value stream uptime. In ABLE 4.2, producers can plot multiple analog data streams together for V-Curve Bottleneck Analysis or assess conveyor health by juxtaposing zone-specific Boolean data with downtime data.

Why Choose ABLE?

Combining time-series data in pursuit of root cause analysis gives manufacturers the edge in understanding the setbacks, bottlenecks, downtime and other pitfalls of increasingly complex value streams.

Not only does Factory View Historian provide this historical data, it also gives processing and packaging managers the specific information they need to remedy issues and prevent them from occurring again.

  • Integrates IoT data into critical MES, SCADA, and ERP systems
  • Modeling of line flow data provides insight into root causes
  • Live line views that become part of historical data snapshots
  • See the progression of downtime as it propagates across the value stream

Explore the Power of ABLE 4.2 and Factory View Historian

Looking for a solution to demystify your increasingly complex value stream and shed light on root cause issues impacting processing and packaging productivity? Companies seeking powerful insights are finding them through ABLE. Contact Sage Clarity today to learn more about ABLE 4.2 and its powerful features—including Factory View Historian.