TAKT Time Analysis

(Cycle Time)

Optimize Manufacturing Production Line Efficiency with Cycle Time Analysis

takt-time-overview on shop floor display/HMI

Sage Clarity Production Center

Sage Clarity’s TAKT Time accelerator manages cycle time and displays machine status with a bar graph showing order progress and adherence to takt time. This accelerator software module is essential for manufacturers looking to enhance their production efficiency and time management. By focusing on Andon Production and Takt Time analysis, it demonstrates how real-time data and visual indicators can significantly improve manufacturing OEE.

Cycle times are prominently displayed, alerting when time exceeds the target and prompting immediate action. The system resets and turns green upon completion of a cycle, providing clear visual feedback for operational efficiency.

Real-Time Production Line Data

Using real-time data, our software visually presents takt time (cycle time) to improve processes and meet customer demand.

Optimize resources, set work pace, and identify and address bottlenecks in production to create a steady workflow which meets customer demand.

  • View operator production of each order in real time
  • Monitor status of all stations from the dashboard
  • Ensure production line efficiency
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TAKT Time Analysis

takt time analysis with andon software dashboard example

Increase efficiency and meet customer demand

“TAKT” time is a lean manufacturing concept that represents the available time for production divided by customer demand, thus enabling efficient production without overproduction or underproduction.

  • Dashboard provides visual overview of the entire production while bars track individual operator progress
  • Combined with the Production Overview to track machine cycles and order quantities
  • Bar colors indicate order status; green = on track, yellow = close to falling behind, red = behind schedule.
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production center takt time progress bar

Enable operational efficiency of time and resources

Drill down to each operator’s production status to see if they are on track to meet their goals. Each order is set to an Andon production cycle time card and the bar indicates by color the pacing of the operator.

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Configure & Customize Sage Clarity Digital Andon System

Combine with the Andon Accelerator for Maximum Efficiency

Discover the transformative power of a digital Andon system in manufacturing. Our innovative Andon system revolutionizes how manufacturing operations monitor and manage their production lines. 

Andon empowers manufacturers to track issues and corrective actions with a configurable operational view in real-time, providing intuitive data and visibility into the manufacturing process.

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Learn how our TAKT Time Accelerator software can optimize your production line.

Contact us to take the first step towards Manufacturing Intelligence enlightenment.

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