EMI Integration

EMI Integration with AttunityAttunity logo


Sage Clarity is in partnership with Attunity, a leading provider of information availability solutions that enable access, sharing and distribution of data across heterogeneous enterprise platforms, organizations, and the cloud. Attunity software solutions include data replication, change data capture (CDC), data connectivity, enter- prise file replication (EFR) and managed-file-transfer (MFT). Using Attunity’s software solutions, customers enjoy significant business benefits by enabling real-time access and availability of data and files where and when needed, across the maze of heterogeneous systems making up today’s IT environment.

To enhance information availability, enterprises need data replication solutions that are simple to use, scalable, reliable, and fast. Sage Clarity uses Attunity Replicate to provide:

  1. Load reduction and improved performance
  2. Greater security
  3. Geographic distribution of information
  4. Disaster recovery
  5. Cloud computing

With Attunity Replicate, organizations can distribute information using an approach that is simple, cost-effective, and high performance. The product’s multi-server, multi-task, and multi-threaded architecture is designed to scale and support large-scale data replication scenarios.

Attunity Replicate Model