Mobile One View for KPIs

A holistic overview of real-time supply chain KPIs for executives, with a suite of KPI apps to form a new dashboarding experience!

Clarity One View is a tool that provides executives with a holistic overview of their Supply Chain KPIs in real-time in visually compelling dashboards.  It automatically performs impactful analysis of the underlying metrics.

Is is big data software that provides insight into KPIs for forward thinking manufacturing companies.  One View is a high quality business intelligence (BI) tool that enables executives to track their manufacturing KPIs in sophisticated supply chain dashboards, view performance against targets and drill down into scorecards.

This mobile application for KPI dashboards is accessible on multiple devices.  The mobile dashboards for executives facilitate an easy performance comparison of different business units.

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One View brings together data from disparate data systems.  It can serve as a compliment to a variety of business intelligence and data mining tools.


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One View Platform Elements

Scorecard Views

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Custom Analytics

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Goal Attainment Scenario Planning

One View is a tool that displays performance against targets.  the KPI goal attainment dashboards allow the user to review  current performance against targets.  The performance “mixer board”  allows  users to create performance goal scenarios and examine their effect on the overall resulting performance.  This gives managers and executives  a clear overview of supply chain goal attainment, helping them reach KPI targets.

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Collaboration and Contextual Comments.

One View dashboards allow for collaboration and comments.  Very similar to “tweeting”, comments enable groups to share thoughts.  However, One View comments are contextual to  specific data views making them more powerful than typical social collaboration tools.

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Flexible Navigation Between One View Apps

Special Icons to distinguish different data hierarchies

  • Plant hierarchies
  • Market hierarchies
  • Business hierarchies
  • Etc.

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Direct and Indirect KPI Associations

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Accessible on Any Device

The Clarity One View Platform is built on HTML5. Executives and managers can easily access  these KPI analytics dashboards on multiple devices including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. The mobile KPI dashboards are perfect for executives who wish to have fast access to performance overviews in order to give managers and executives a real-time view of supply chain metrics without limitations of having the right device at your fingertips.

Clarity One View Cross Platform